3 Mets ces phrases à la voix passive progressive au temps qui convient.
Exemple: Somebody is repairing the photocopy machine. The photocopy machine is being repaired.
a. They are building a school across the street. A school.....
b. Somebody is cleaning my jacket. My jacket..
c. Somebody was using my computer. My computer...
d. Somebody was watching us. We.....

Répondre :



Réponse :

 Somebody is repairing the photocopy machine.  ( présent be + V-ing)

→ The photocopy machine is being repaired.

a. They are building a school across the street.  ( présent be + V-ing)

→ A school is being built across the street

b. Somebody is cleaning my jacket.   ( présent be + V-ing)

→ My jacket is being cleaned

c. Somebody was using my computer.  ( prétérit be + V-ing)

→ My computer was being used

d. Somebody was watching us.  ( prétérit be + V-ing)

→ We were being watched

Explications :

Passif : BE ( conjugué au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé

Passif présent be + V-ing  = am/is/are being + participe passé

Passif prétérit be + V-ing = was/were being + participe passé