Bonjour,je n’arrive pas trop à cet exercice,c’est un exercice d’anglais niveau 6e.Merci d’avance.C’est l’exercice 2.

Bonjourje narrive pas trop à cet exercicecest un exercice danglais niveau 6eMerci davanceCest lexercice 2 class=

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My trip to Paris

Last week, I went to Paris. I took lots of photos, I visited splendid places and I met lovely people! I had a great time. But I bought souvenirs for all my friends and I spent all my money!

The legend of Robin Hood

Robin Hood lived in the 12th century. He was an excellent archer and he had a lot of brave and generous friends. The sheriff of Nottingham was his enemy because he was cruel and loved money. He took money from the people. But Robin stole from the rich to give the money back to the poor.

Bonne journée !

Bonjour la reponse elle est en bas
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