Compléter les phrases en exprimant la possession (possesseur/possession) utilisez le cas possessif lorsque c'est possible sinon utiliser of
1 the (nurse/watch) was stolen
2 the (bed/wheel) is broken
3 Mr. Robert/appointment) is at 9a.m
4 the (nurses/shifts) are very long
5 the disease/nane) comes from the scientist who discovered it

choisissez un déterminant qui convient soit SOME (someone, something) ANY (anyone, anything) ou NO (no one, nothing) pouvez vous me corriger cet exercice SVP
1 can someone help me ?
2 there has been a car crash and a gas leak followed by an explosion. there is ...... time to rest
3 I need someone to hold he patien when I give her her medicine
4 call someone who is not working today
5 someone may be spending time with their families, but they'll understant

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Compléter les phrases en exprimant la possession (possesseur/possession) utilisez le cas possessif (génitif) lorsque c'est possible sinon utiliser of

1 the (nurse/watch) was stolen

 The nurse's watch was stolen.

2 the (bed/wheel) is broken

The wheel of the bed is broken.  (tu ne t'es pas trompé(e) ==la roue du lit...?

3 Mr. Robert/appointment) is at 9a.m

  Mr Robert's appointment is at 9 a.m. .

4 the (nurses/shifts) are very long

 The nurses' shifts are very long.

5 the disease/nane ??) comes from the scientist who discovered it

The name (?) of the disease comes from the scientist who discovered it

Le génitif est utilisé pour exprimer un rapport de possession entre une personne et un objet.

on ajoute 's au possesseur (au singulier) + objet possédé

My sister's friend / my friend's books

si le possesseur est pluriel on ajoute simplement '  l'apostophe

My parents' home / my maths' tests /

À noter que les pluriels irréguliers se comporte comme mes noms singulier the women's dresses / the men's trousers etc...

Idem aves les nom propres

Alicia's car

Thomas' bike

S'il s'agit de 2 objets > comme en français

the door of the house


Bonne soirée ☺☺☺