Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct future tense.
Dear Victoria,
The holidays are coming and I've made lots of
plans. This time next week, I (1)...'ll be buying... (buy)
Christmas presents for my family and friends. I
(get) everything in one day, so
that I can enjoy myself for the rest of the holidays.
I'm staying at home with my family on Christmas
Day, but two days later I (3)
(leave) for Austria. Becky and I (4)
(spend) a week there skiing. I'm sure we
(have) a wonderful time.
When I come back from Austria, I (6)
a party, because it's my birthday on January 5th. I
(be) nineteen! I hope you
..... (come).
Well, I must go now. I'm going to help my mother
with the housework. See you soon!

Répondre :



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

Dear Victoria,

The holidays are coming and I've made lots of plans. This time next week, I (1) will be buying (buy) Christmas presents for my family and friends. I (2) am going to get (get) everything in one day so that I can enjoy myself for the rest of the holidays.

I'm staying at home with me family on Christmas Day, but two days later I (3) am leaving (leave) for Austria. Becky and I (4) are spending (spend) a week there skiing. I'm sure we (5) will have (have) a wonderful time.

When I come back from Austria, I (6) will probably have (probably/have) a party, because it's my birthday on January 5th. I (7) am (be) nineteen! I hope you (8) will come (come).

Well, I must go now. I'm going to help my mother with the housework. See you soon!


1. Future Continu (will + be + … - ing) – L'expression « à cette heure la semaine prochaine » suggère qu'une action se produira dans un avenir proche et prendra une période de temps prolongée.

2. Futur proche = be going to

3. Présent Continu (am/is/are + …-ing) – un plan organisé, qui dans ce cas sera mis en œuvre en 2 semaines.

4. Présent continu – voir ci-dessus.

5. Future Simple (forme will + I du verbe) – prédire l’avenir.

6. Future Simple – comme ci-dessus.

7. Présent Simple (personne + verbe + … ) – horaire

8. Future Simple – prédire l’avenir

bonne soirée ☺☺☺