quickly finished
G. Rewrite these jumbled sentences placing the adverbs in the right order.
1. usually friendly is very Nisha
2. friends with my play always I
3. you have been to ever Paris
4. usually Danganba up doesn't get seven before
5. test friends our a write must also
6. I only joking was
7. March the weather is always in windy
8. you both did flight enjoy the
9. never I have met before him
10. Syed Rubina watches television hardly ever

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G. Rewrite these jumbled sentences placing the adverbs in the right order

1- Nisha is usually very friendly.

2- I always play with my friends.

3- Have you ever been to Paris?

4- Danganba usually doesn't get up before seven.

5- Our friends must also write a test.

6- I was only joking.

7- The weather is always windy in March.

8- Did you both enjoy the flight?

9-I have never met him before.

10- Rubina hardly ever watches television.

les adverbes de frequance se placent entre le sujet et le verbe ou entre l'auxiliaire et le participe passé

EXCEPTION ==> toujours après "be"

Bonne journée ☺☺