Bonjour j’ai besoins d’aide svp !!!!

Relatifs: exercices

1) Complete les phrases
suivantes avec who ou whose.

a. Yesterday, I met the girl............. sister is an actress.
b. These are the Young people
c. That's the woman
............... have just got married.
ambition is to become the queen.
d. Actors................... are shy are uncommon.

2) Complete cet article en complétant par: who, which, where, when

Jennifer Aniston,............. started in Friends from 1994 to 2004, is world famous. She grew up in New
York City,
she studied acting at the famous School of Performing Arts.
auditioned for friends, she was offered the role of Monica,.............she refused because she prefered the
role of Rachel. Courteney Cox, ...
took the role of Monica, quickly became Jennifer's best friend.

3) Reformule ces phrases à l'aide d'un relatif:

I know the story. This story is about a giant.

This story is about a mermaid. The mermaid's name is Ariel.

Goldilocks lives in the village. The village is in the forest.