Q2: complete these sentences by using the correct pronoun:-
1)I'm Hasan.
2) We are brothers
3) You are Hiba.
Father is a doctor.
...Mother is housewife.
Is.................mother at home?
4).........re happy. Our school is new.
5)I'm boulaye. This is .............motorbike.
6) love...............friends very much.
7) You do
names are Nora Ahmed,
8) You are good students.
9) We love school..
class is clean and tidy.
1CCan you lend me.
...pen, please?

Répondre :


               c'est un peu la pagaille dans ces phrases

1) I'm Hasan.

2) We are brothers

3) You are Hiba.

My father is a doctor.

My mother is a housewife.

Is your mother at home?

4) We are happy. Our school is new.

5) I'm Boulaye. This is my motorbike.

6) I love my friends very much.

7) You do your homework.

Their names are Nora and Ahmed.

8) You are good students.

Huda.  !!!

9) We love school. Our class is clean and tidy.

10) Can you lend me your pen, please?



complete these sentences by using the correct pronoun:-

and try to put these sentnces in order...  It's a bit messy...

1)I'm Hasan.

2) We are brothers. Our names are Nora Ahmed, Huda  ??????(une solution ?????)

3) You are Hiba.

My  father is a doctor.    / Our father

My mother is housewife. / Our mother

Is my mother at home? / Is our mother at home

on ne sait pas exactement de qui le père , la mère sont .... donc à adapter (l'adjectif possessif s'accorde non avec le possesseur , le nom qui suit comme en français mais avec celui/celle qui possède = her brother (pour une fille/His brother pour un garçon)

Mon/ma = My

Ton/ta /votre = Your

elle = Her

il = His

notre = Our

leurs = Their

4) we're happy. Our school is new.

5)I'm Boulaye. This is  my motorbike.

6) I love my friends very much.

7) You do your homework.

Their  names are Nora Ahmed,  Ici idem  (voir n°2 ????)

8) You are good students.

??????????  Huda.????????????

9) We love our school.Our class is clean and tidy.

10) Can you lend me your pen, please?


À remettre en ordre. Si problème, le dire en commentaire pour que l'on puisse rectifier...


Bonne soirée ☺☺☺